We are thrilled to be partnering again this year with Missoula Food Bank and Community Center for the ROOTS Valentine's Day project! Leading up to February 14th, our Child Enrichment team will be visiting local elementary schools, preschools, and community organizations. In the classrooms, we provide materials so that each child has the opportunity to create a special Valentine that will be added to food delivery bags for the ROOTS program at Missoula Food Bank and Community Center.
Each month ROOTS delivers nutritious USDA-approved food to home-bound seniors in our community. ROOTS participants are over the age of 60 and living on less than 130% of the poverty level. These special messages bring a smile to the children making them and the seniors that will receive them. We are so lucky to be a part of this program and partnership. In 2024, we created over 1,000 Valentine's and visited over 50 Missoula classrooms and organizations! These messages of kindness and love were delivered to ROOTs members at the Food Bank, senior living centers, the Poverello and Johnson Street community centers, and the Missoula Veterans Assistance clinic. Check out KPAX news for their excellent coverage of this amazing program. Watch here: 1,000 Valentine's, groceries going to homebound Missoula seniors (kpax.com)
A special thank you to ERA Lambros for your sponsorship of this program in 2024!
To donate materials, volunteer, or schedule a Valentine's visit from our team please email: [email protected]